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Internal Server Error during installation

13 years 6 months ago #4227 by

I've just downloaded the latest version of Contact Enhanced but get an Internal Server Error every time i try to install it.

Any ideas? Should I perhaps enable FTP?

Thank you,

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13 years 6 months ago #4228 by douglas
Dear Konstantin,

First of all I want to apologize for the delayed reply. I'm a Sabbatarian therefore I don't work on the holy sabbath (Saturdays).

If it is an Internal Server Error, then it should not be related to file/directory permission therefore it will not help if you enable the FTP layer.

Can you please contact your web hosting service provider and ask them to view the server logs and tell you what is the error exactly?

Best regards,

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13 years 6 months ago #4230 by
Dear Douglas,
Thank you for your reply. No apologies needed - I saw the notice about sabbath!

I checked the server log - it only shows the not found error for 500 file - no other details...

[Sat Nov 06 21:31:10 2010] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/kons5946/public_html/500.shtml, referer:

I tried installing from directory, uploading the zip archive and installing from url - same error.

other components are being installed OK (i checked in case it was a general error).


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13 years 6 months ago #4231 by douglas
Dear Konstantin,

That's odd, the log file should have a more specific error entry.

It might be due to timeout because Contact Enhanced installation package is over 1Mb and your server's configuration. However installing from directory usually solves this problem. Did you unpack the installation before you installed from directory?

If it still does not work, please try to enable the FTP layer.

Best regards,

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13 years 6 months ago #4234 by
Dear Douglas,

Just tried on another server (identical setup, no FTP) - the installation work fine.

Yes, could be the timeout. Although the max_execution_time is 60.
Yes, tried installing from directory after unpacking the archive - still internal server error.

Will try with FTP now.
What else could it be?


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13 years 6 months ago #4235 by douglas
Dear Konstantin,

Is the other website installed on the same server?
I believe it is some server configuration, however it is hard to identify if there is no specific error message in the error log.

Please let me know if the FTP works.

Sincere regards,

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13 years 6 months ago #4236 by
No, two different servers. Same website.

Just tried with FTP enabled - didn't work.

Yes, must be some tiny difference in sever config. What should i be looking for?

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13 years 6 months ago #4238 by douglas
Dear Konstantin,

What's the Joomla version installed?
PHP version?
Is it a Windows or Linux server?
Is the PHP Error Reporting in Joomla set to Maximum?
Max. script execution time and memory limit?

Best regards,

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13 years 6 months ago - 13 years 6 months ago #4244 by
Both servers Linux. Joomla version: both Joomla 1.5.15 (test sites are old; only the real one is 1.5.22)

Where it works: PHP 5.2.13
$error_reporting '-1'
max_execution_time: 60 local 30 global
memory_limit: 128mb

Where it should work (but doesn't at the moment): PHP 5.2.9
$error_reporting '-1'
max_execution_time: 60 local 30 global
memory_limit: 32mb

I've attached both php info files for your reference
Thank you!


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13 years 6 months ago #4247 by douglas
Dear Konstantin,

There is no file attached.

Can you change the configuration for testing purposes:
max_execution_time: 120
memory_limit: 128MB

$error_reporting = '6143'; (maximum) in Joomla Global Configuration

Best regards,

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13 years 6 months ago - 13 years 6 months ago #4252 by
Dear Douglas,

Sorry, not used to forums - trying again:

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13 years 6 months ago #4253 by douglas
Dear Konstantin,

It might be because of the file extension. Please create a zip try again.

Best regards,

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