Support Forum

Every time that you post a problem, PLEASE add the Joomla and the extension's versions and revisions (for example: Joomla 3.3.6, Contact Enhanced 3.3.5), PHP version and Server's Operating System. If you only manage only one site it is easier if you edit your profile and just add that information to your signature. Don't forget to add a detailed description of the problem. If possible, write down all steps to simulate the problem.

Before submitting a new post, PLEASE make sure you are running the latest version, test in different browsers (IE, FF, Chrome,..) and clear Joomla and browser's cache after every change you make.

Also, most questions are already answered in our FAQ and in iFAQ and Contact Enhanced documentation pages.

× Frequently Asked Questions using Joomla content articles. iFAQ (former MooFAQ) is a FAQ Component for Joomla!™ which uses jQuery and Bootstrap to load Joomla Articles in Accordion format.

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No results found with Joomla 2.5 SEF on? Works with SEF Off?

12 years 1 week ago #11337 by jakexo
Hi Douglas,

With Joomla SEF on I get the "No results weret found" error message. As soon as I turn SEF off MooFAQ works just fine.

I've checked the .htaccess file and everything is correct. Ideas?

Site - (with MooFAQ set to this page)
Joomla 2.5
Php 5.3.3
MySQL 5.0.77

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12 years 1 week ago #11338 by douglas
Dear jakexo,

I'm not sure what this could be.

1. Do you have the latest MooFAQ version installed?
2. Are you using any other SEF third party extension?
3. Did you clear all caches (Joomla, template (if any) and browser)?

Are you using MooFAQ menu item OR Content plugin?

Best regards,

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12 years 1 week ago #11339 by jakexo
1) I just repurchased the component yesterday to ensure I had the latest version.
2) No other SEF extensions used
3) Cache's cleared

Menu Item

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12 years 1 week ago #11340 by jakexo
I also set-up a page using the Module and got even stranger results

The module publishes just fine but then the category info shows up under the module (via loadposition) and then the categories articles are linked below?

This is using single article menu item with loadposition for the module

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12 years 1 week ago #11341 by douglas
Dear jakexo,

Can you please create a full backup (for safety purposes) and provide an administrator account, so I can take a closer look?
You can use the Support -> Contact form to send the log in details.

Best regards,

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11 years 7 months ago #12541 by jakexo
Hi Douglas,

I just got back to this project. I can't thank you enough for the support offered to all your products - this is why our agency continually purchases your stuff.

I just renewed and downloaded the most current version of MooFAQ. I installed the new version and experienced the same issues as before. SEF on - "no results found." SEF off and everything works perfectly.

I'll shoot you over login credentials via the support contact form.

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