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Contact Enhanced - One button to clear database and import?

10 years 10 months ago - 10 years 10 months ago #14762 by firehorse

Currently under tools, there is a button to:
"Import Contacts and Categories from Joomla Core Contacts component"

However this just adds to the existing database.

I need to keep using the Joomla Contacts database because zhgooglemaps reads data from there.

My client is balking at
* Update details in Contacts
* Select CE
* delete contacts
* set status to trash
* empty trash
* select categories
* delete categories
* set status to trashed
* empty trash
* import from Joomla Contacts.
just for changing someone's email address or phone number.

After the above, he then needs to go into the menu system and reset the category selection for contacts enhanced to pick up the new imported category.

Ideally, CE could synchronize with Contacts automatically without the client having to do anything, but I can see that might be a big programming job!

Second choice, more feasible, can you have a second 'import' button that does all the above in one go? ie reset the whole CE database to empty and import from Contacts. If the categories is also reset each time, then we could even avoid having to update the menu as presumably the category id would remain the same :-). I could then advise the client, update Contacts, then click this button in CE. He could live with that :-)


Joomla 2.5.11, CE 2.5.14

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10 years 10 months ago #14763 by douglas
Dear Alan,

Contact Enhanced was designed to work independent from Joomla core contacts component. I have created the import option to make the transition easier.

It is much easier and faster if you ask zhgooglemaps developer to support Contact Enhanced as well. It should be very easy because CE database table structure is very similar to Joomla core contact component.

Can you do that?

Best regards,

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10 years 10 months ago #14765 by firehorse
Dear Douglas,

I've asked, but he is away on holiday for another week or so.

Is there any documentation on the CE database structure to speed up the process?


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10 years 10 months ago - 10 years 10 months ago #14766 by douglas
Dear Alan,

If you want to clear the Contact details database table you can execute this SQL query below for now using PHPMyAdmin:
TRUNCATE TABLE `#__ce_details`

Don't forget to replace #__ with your Joomla database tale prefix.

PS: This will remove all your contacts in Contact Enhanced Components.

I hope that helps you for now.

Best regards,

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10 years 10 months ago - 10 years 10 months ago #14768 by firehorse
Dear Douglas,

Thank you for that. It's given me another possibility.

I've had a quick look at Joomla's database. I can see #__ce_details which is the contacts for Contact Enhanced, but I can't see the equivalent table for categories?

I'm thinking of using this extension
which says it can save sql queries.

If I can put

TRUNCATE TABLE `#__ce_details`

together with the one for the categories, then running the "saved query" will reset the CE to its starting state and the client can just click on reimport and not have to worry about setting up the menu connection again.


TRUNCATE TABLE `#__ce_details`

reset the categories as well or will there be another command?


Ah ... just found the CE categories in Joomla categories, extension field filled with "com_contactenhanced". That's a problem, because although the saved query will be able delete and 'trash' those category items, the user still needs to connect up the menu to the right category for the list of contacts to display. hmmm...

Thinking ...

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