
HTML templates gives you great flexibility:

  • All sent emails can be delivered in HTML format;
  • Very customizable: You can choose which information to send;
  • You can have different templates for each contact, by changing the options in the Contact Edit page OR in the Menu Item options;
  • You can have separate templates for the Contact email and for the user copy;


  1. Have created a contact and a contact category; If you didn't get this far, please read the Cheat Sheet.
  2. In case you are configuring the "Edit Notification" email template you also need to have configured the Front-end editing feature. Please read the Front-end editing article.


There are three types templates:

  1. Email: Which can be used for the email and the copy message sent to the user;
  2. Thank you page: Which is the message sent to the user after the form submission when you set the parameter Thank you message to Show sent email message.
  3. Edit notification: Which is an email notification when the user has changed the contact linked to his username from the front-end;

How to create new templates?

Select Components → Contact Enhanced → Templates from the drop-down menu on the back-end of your Joomla! installation, then click on the New button;

In order to add a new template (recommended) click on the New button, give the template a name, choose the template type and add the text you want to display in the template.

You can enter any HTML code in the template, so you can customize is as you wish.

Under the Advanced tab you can also enable the option to Process Content Plugins. When this option is enabled all content plugins will be parsed. With this feature you can load a module position inside a thank you page with the code {loadpostion myposition}, just change myposition with the module position you want to load.

You can also use some syntaxes, which are available at the right side of your template (see screenshot below). The most common syntaxes used are:

Syntax Description
{form_fields:1,2,5,7,34} Adds only the selected Form Field ids {form_fields} - will add all form fields
{form_fields} Adds all form fields to the template;
{form_fields format=|table|} Adds all form fields to the template using a table format;
{post:ALIAS} Where ALIAS is your Form Field's Alias in lowercase.
You cannot change the alias for the following fields: name, lastname (surname), email, subject, recipient
{name} Adds the user's name
{email} Adds the user's email address
{subject} Loads the form Subject field
{site_url} Adds the site's home URL
{site_link} Adds the site's home link
{site_name} Adds the site's name
{last_page_url} Adds the last page's URL in case you are loading the form using the Content Plugin OR CE Module
{last_page_title} Adds the last page's Title in case you are loading the form using the Content Plugin OR CE Module
{referrer} Adds page referrer (previous page)
{user_ip} Adds the user's IP address
{system_info} Adds the User's IP address, Browser, Operating System, Screen Resolution,  Location based on the user's IP (if found) and the referrer

Then you can set the templates in the Component Options (Components Contact EnhancedOptions) for the Global Options, OR in the Contact Edit page under the Templates tab OR you can override it in the Contact Enhanced Single Contact Form menu item.

Important notes:

  • If you are using the Content Plugin and want to load the HTML Template for the Thank you Page. Go to the Extensions -> Plugin manager, select Contact Enhanced Content Plugin and set the "After form is submitted show"option to "Use Global";


Contact Enhanced Template Manager


Default Template. You can click on the syntax on the right to copy it to the HTML template;

Contact Enhanced Template Manager -> Edit page


Example of plugin loading the module position newsletter.

Contact Enhanced Template Manager -> Edit page

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