The Single Episode or Single Episode - Theater - Full-width view menu items create a link for one single episode. This is important when you want to link to specific episodes. For example your first and most important episodes.

If you are a podcaster, you know how important it is to attract and retain your audience. One of the best ways to do that is to link to your first podcast episode in your website, social media, email newsletter, and other platforms. Why is this so important? Here are some reasons:

  • Your first episode is your introduction to your listeners. It sets the tone, style, and topic of your podcast. It also showcases your personality, voice, and value proposition. By linking to your first episode, you give your potential listeners a chance to get to know you and decide if they want to subscribe to your podcast.
  • Your first episode is your hook. It should capture the attention and interest of your listeners and make them want to hear more. It should also deliver on the promise of your podcast title and description. By linking to your first episode, you increase the chances of getting more downloads, ratings, reviews, and feedback from your listeners.
  • Your first episode is your foundation. It establishes the format, frequency, and duration of your podcast. It also sets the expectations for your listeners and creates a sense of anticipation for future episodes. By linking to your first episode, you build trust and loyalty with your listeners and encourage them to follow your podcast journey.

As you can see, linking to your first episode is a crucial step in launching and growing your podcast. It can help you reach more people, engage them with your content, and turn them into loyal fans. So don't miss this opportunity and make sure you link to your first episode in every possible way.

How To Access

To add a Menu Item:

  • Menus  [name of the menu]
    1. click the New toolbar button.
    2. click the Menu Item Type Select button.
    3. choose Ideal Podcasts→Single Episode  OR Single Episode - Theater - Full-width view

To edit a Menu Item:

  • Menus  [name of the menu]
    • select a Title from the list

Form Fields

The menus component is a Joomla component to manage the menu items, It has many Joomla core form fields, but for the purpose of this documentation, we'll only cover the fields that are specific to the Ideal Podcasts menu item. You can learn more about the core fields of Joomla Menus here.

Most of the settings on this page were already set in the component options and can be overridden here,

  • Title. The title will display for this menu item.
  • Alias. The internal name of the menu item. Normally, you can leave this blank and Joomla will fill in a default value Title in lowercase and with dashes instead of spaces. Learn more.
  • Single episode. Shows episode-specific settings. All these settings were already set in the component options but can be overridden here.

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