Shows a list of all categories in the selected category tree or all categories when the Root category is selected. We recommend using either this menu item or the Episodes Page menu item for your main Ideal Podcasts menu item. The list of categories page is where you can find all the information you need about each category, such as the title, the summary, and the number of episodes in this category. Remember that each category has its own Podcast RSS feed, so it works like an entirely different podcast.

How To Access

To add a Menu Item:

  • Menus  [name of the menu]
    1. click the New toolbar button.
    2. click the Menu Item Type Select button.
    3. choose Ideal Podcasts→List All Categories in a blog layout

To edit a Menu Item:

  • Menus  [name of the menu]
    • select a Title from the list

Form Fields

The menus component is a Joomla component to manage the menu items, It has many Joomla core form fields, but for the purpose of this documentation, we'll only cover the fields that are specific to the Ideal Podcasts menu item. You can learn more about the core fields of Joomla Menus here.

Most of the settings on this page were already set in the component options and can be overridden here,

  • Title. The title will display for this menu item.
  • Alias. The internal name of the menu item. Normally, you can leave this blank and Joomla will fill in a default value Title in lowercase and with dashes instead of spaces. Learn more.
  • Categories.
    • Description. Enter a text to display at the top of the page describing this page or giving special instructions (optional)
    • Images. Whether or not to display the category image. The default and recommended setting is to Show.
    • Image Max Width. The recommended setting is 400px
    • Image Max Height. The recommended setting is 144px
    • Subcategory Levels. How many Subcategory Levels to display
    • # Columns. The number of columns to display.
    • # Episodes in the category. Whether or not to display the number of episodes in each category.
  • Categories. These options are used when you select one of the category links, on the first page and/or thereafter unless they are changed for a specific menu item.
  • Blog layout.  Allows you to configure how the episodes will display. All options have tooltips and are self-explanatory.
  • Single episodes. Shows episodes specific settings. All these settings were already set in the component options but can be overridden here.

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