Ideal Related Articles have four options to add related articles: Manual, Tags, Meta Keywords, and Mixed.

This page helps you to manually add Related Articles to other articles.

How to Access

Home Dashboard  Components → Ideal Related Articles → Related Articles

Column Headers

  • Status. Status of the article. Hover over the icon for information.
  • Title. The title of the article. Edit the article by clicking on the Title. There's a button to preview the article;
  • Related Articles. Informs how many manually Related Articles were added and allows you to easily manage (add and remove) related articles. Click on the Manage button to search for and add Related Articles or view the articles, order them by clicking and dragging them, or delete them.
  • Keywords. The total Metakey Keywords added to the article;
  • Date Created. The date this Article was created.
  • Hits. The number of visits to the article.
  • ID. A unique identification number for this Article.



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