The Ideal Related Articles Dashboard provides tools to help you manage the Related Articles, create Word Linking Keywords and edit the content plugin among other tools.

How to Access

Home Dashboard  Components → Ideal Related Articles



Manage Articles: Assign related articles to your articles and start increasing your internal traffic right. It helps you identify articles without Metakey Keywords, Missing tags, and articles without manually related articles. No matter how you choose to use the plugin. 

Word Linking Keywords: Word Linking automatically creates links out of selected words in your Joomla! content articles. You can link specific words to Menu items, Articles, or URLs. Each Word Linking Rule can be assigned to specific menu items and have a limited number of occurrences (replacements).

Content Plugin: This is just a shortcut to the Content Plugin Edit page; The Ideal Related Articles - Content Plugin must be configured and enabled in order to display the articles.

Content Tools: Allows you to check whether you have articles without full text.

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