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Getting message Forbidden when Saving an iFAQ Article

2 months 3 weeks ago #27386 by support
Dear Walter,

I'm glad the problem was solved.

Have a blessed week.

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2 months 4 weeks ago #27385 by wwood
As suggested, I asked my host to check this and their response. is below.

We have reviewed your request and after further investigation, we have noticed that your IP address triggered some ModSecurity rules. Considering this, we disabled the mentioned rule that has been triggered on your website recently, so please test if everything works fine now.

After testing some of the articles that gave the error, it appears the problem has been solver. Once I get all article in, I will have some questions on the format and searching.

Thank you so much for your assistance.

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3 months 1 day ago #27384 by support
Dear Walter,

Could you confirm if you were able to try the troubleshooting steps I outlined in my previous message?

The issue you're experiencing when saving an article doesn't appear to be directly linked to iFAQ. You may try to save the same content to another category and you'll see that you'll get the same error.

It's possible that a security plugin or firewall is interfering with the article's content. This might be triggered by specific words within the text.

Looking forward to your response.

Best regards,

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3 months 1 day ago #27383 by wwood
I failed to mention this is for and not our live site at

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3 months 2 weeks ago #27370 by support
Dear Walter,

Thank you for providing your background information.

I'd like to clarify that I didn't mean you should remove or uninstall any extensions permanently. My suggestion was to temporarily disable them for testing purposes to see if any of them are causing the issue.

Regarding the "403 Forbidden" error you're encountering, this typically occurs when a web server receives a request to access a specific resource but denies the request due to insufficient permissions or security-related reasons. While it's unlikely to be an issue with insufficient permissions since you're logged in as an administrator, it's worth checking if there's an .htaccess file in the /administrator/ folder. If there is, try renaming it temporarily to something like .htaccess.backup and see if that resolves the issue.

It's also a good idea to reach out to your web hosting provider for assistance. This error may not be related to PHP, and they may be able to provide additional insights or support. Typically, Joomla errors provide more descriptive messages, and enabling System Debug should provide a call stack below the error message, which can offer further clues.

If your web hosting provider is unable to assist you, please let me know, and we'll continue to investigate the issue together.

Best regards,

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3 months 2 weeks ago #27369 by wwood
First, I really appreciate your help with this issue. I am not under any deadlines to get this working so this is not a pressing issue, just a PITA.

For a little background on me, I have only created a couple of Joomla sites, so I am by no means an expert web builder. However, I am very computer literate with 30+ years' experience. My background is as a hydrogeology and working with contamination issues. This site is for my part-time employer, a mom-and-pop business, because they do not have the resources to hire a developer. The site has been moved a couple of times and started out in Joomla 3 and is using SP Page Builder.

Based on your suggestions I removed the old FAQ Book Pro extension which is being replaced by iFAQ. I turned off Admin Tools (which I suspected of cause a prior issue). I am not sure what else to turn off, any suggestions?

I set Error reporting to Max and set Debug to On. I saw nothing different when saving but then I had no idea what to look for anyway.

Again, Thanks!


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