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Before submitting a new post, PLEASE make sure you are running the latest version, test in different browsers (IE, FF, Chrome,..) and clear Joomla and browser's cache after every change you make.

Also, most questions are already answered in our FAQ and in iFAQ and Contact Enhanced documentation pages.

× Contact Enhanced is a contact component manager created to replace Joomla! core contacts component and add lots of advantages and new features (see Features ) and it offers many plugins and modules for several different purposes,
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Testing Contact Enhanced Alpha & Beta for Joomla 4

2 years 3 months ago #26040 by mickelb
OK, I have managed to create a category and contact and also a menu item linked to the contact.


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2 years 2 months ago #26051 by mickelb
Any more progress on this and iStore Locator? I could do with Modules now.

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2 years 2 months ago #26052 by support
Dear Mickelb,

I have just released a new Alpha version. I had to create a new Captcha Form Field type in order to make it easier to manage the Captcha and assign it to different forms. Created also the Search View and Menu item type in Contact Enhanced. Fixed a few issues I found.

It also includes the following extensions:
- Content Plugin
- Captcha Plugin
- Alpha Index Module
- Search Module

The roadmap for the next week:
- Form Module

- Editor
- Finder
- Privacy

I was planning to start working on the Store Locator Plugin only when all the other plugins were ready, but I'll start as soon as I finish those extensions above are ready.

Best regards,

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2 years 2 months ago #26058 by support

I've just released a new Alpha release which includes:
- Content Plugin
- Captcha Plugin
- Editor Plugin
- Finder Plugin
- Privacy Plugin
- Ideal Store Locator Plugin
- Alpha Index Module
- Search Module
- Form Module

We'll continue working on Contact Enhanced Modules and plugins and we'll release a new version next week.

Best regards,

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2 years 2 months ago #26059 by mickelb
Good news.
A couple of queries:
1) I get a Maintenance Check-in flag for ce_contacts table which doesn't clear when I check in. This was there in the last alpha.
2) The Ideal Store Plugin shows an error when opened: 0 jform[params][default-address] has no layout assigned. It doesn't matter if it is enabled or not. Also the Save, Close and Save and Close tabs don't work.

Look forward to the next update.

Where is the separate iStore Locator package on your update schedule?

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2 years 2 months ago #26063 by support
1. Please execute this SQL query (just replace #__ with your database table prefix)...
ALTER TABLE `#__ce_contacts` CHANGE `checked_out` `checked_out` INT UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT NULL;
I've already fixed this for the next release.

2. I'll update the installation package and I'll send the fix to your email in a few minutes.

3. I'll perform a few more tests and depending on your feedback I'll release Ideal Store Locator as a separate package as early as the next week.

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2 years 2 months ago #26065 by mickelb
Thanks that worked.
Look forward to the next updates.

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2 years 2 months ago #26074 by mickelb

Entered new contact and when I tried to save got this Error: Save failed with the following error: "Data truncated for column 'lat' at row 1"

After entering the Lat and Long manually the Map showed the location and the contact saved.

I also note that for the map that Locate in Map from address doesn't work, and had used this before saving and getting the error.

One of the annoyances I found with the Joomla 3 versions was that you couldn't save a contact without an Email address. It woudl be good if that could be fixed as it is useful to be able to save an incomplete entry as a draft. Perhaps allow it to be saved with no email if it is unpublished?

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2 years 2 months ago #26075 by trlbldr
I've followed the responses, including those concerning the Alpha releases. However...

Joomla 4 was introduced six months ago and, without a Release version of CE, I'm unable to effect the transition from Joomla 3.10.6 to Joomla 4.1.

What is your timeline for an CE Pro version compatible with J4?


Don White

Don White
Sr. Technical Communicator

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2 years 2 months ago #26100 by support
@mickelb, I couldn't reproduce this issue. I believe it might be some related to a previous package. Can you please uninstall the component and install it again?
I fixed the Locate in Map button error.

For this Alpha release, I have finished all Contact Enhanced modules.
Latest Contacts module have been removed. The Contact Enhanced Contacts module may work as the Latest Contacts Module as well. Having only one module for both features makes it easier to maintain.
Dwoo Plugin has been removed as well. Dwoo library is no longer maintained, therefore we've removed this plugin;

The Salesforce integration has moved from a plugin to a Form Field. We believe it will be easier for users to manage.

We plan to finish all remaining plugins next week and we'll need at least one more week for testing before we release a Beta release.

@Don, The CE 4.0 release is late and I'm very sorry. I'm working as fast as I can to rewrite. It is my top priority.
I believe it will be ready in 3 to 4 weeks. Hopefully earlier.

Thank you for understanding.

Have a blessed weekend.

Best regards,

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2 years 2 months ago #26101 by mickelb
Alpha 8 so far:

Locate in Map still not working.

Using Module Contact Enhanced Category :
All contacts ar listed not just the selected category.
No Icons or CSS Icons show
Bootstrap size doesn't seem to do anything
Although the language overrides have been set to show Mobile and Phone they displayed the constans until I saved them as new overrides,
How do you adjust the size of the titles for the information, e.g. Phone, Mobile
In Advanced if I set Advanced layout to dropdown the select list is empty. If I set to Thumbnail I get the error "Class 'ceHelper' not found " when trying to view contacts.

How do I list contacts in a category in a table, with selectable columns, as in Joomla 3 version?

I need to be able to adjust where the contact tile is displayed from the top of the page as in the template I use it is partially hidden behind the header.

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2 years 2 months ago #26102 by mickelb
Still with Module Contact Enhanced Category, there is no way to control the size of the image.

As above, i wouild like to be able to list contacts in a tabular form with rows and columns and be able to show just a thumbnail image.

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